A call to Salvation

Dear creation of God, fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. Your creator has been waiting for you to turn to Him. Will you answer Him today? He has loved you with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3), He has been so kind and patient to you, he has shone you His light from time to time yet you have ignored Him. The Lord is merciful to you and surely He Has loved you with an everlasting love! John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”. This passage of scripture is very wonderful, God is giving everyone a free-will choice of either ETERNAL LIFE or ETERNAL CONDEMNATION(PERISH ETERNALLY). What would you choose? life or perish? It says that those who believes in Him (the Son of God, Jesus Christ) will by no means perish(condemned/lost eternally) but they will have eternal life imparted in them, this is wonderful! Today I encourage you to choose to believe and follow the Son of God Jesus Christ, become His disciple, grow in His love and knowledge of Him, plus you receive a guarantee of living with Him forever! The best time is now, tomorrow is not guaranteed.

If you would like to make the Lord Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Saviour today now, Please read and pray this prayer with me, but do it sincerely from your heart, speaking to the Lord, He loves you and He is hearing you.

Lord Jesus, I acknowledge and confess with my lips that You are Lord, You died for my sins and were raised for my justification. I receive you now in my heart as my Saviour and Lord over my life. I receive your Spirit in my life, I am born-again, I am a child of God, I now belong to the family of God. Thank you Lord for saving and accepting me. In Jesus name, Amen!

Congratulations, You are now a child of God! Your name is now written in the book of life! You have eternal life imparted in you! You might be wondering , Is it that simple? Yes, It is by faith. Please contact us so that we can link you to our online services, where you will learn more about God, we pray with you, Study the Word of God with you and grow with you in the Lord. God bless you richly!